Tuesday, July 26, 2011

John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath

My friends, who happen to be twins, were nice enough to pose for this picture after I pestered them for an half hour.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Office Space meets Hells Kitchen

My workplace is full of many interesting people. Young people work along side me in the kitchen, old people populate the halls of the community. I am the tallest person there at 6'4" and there are many people, young and old, who barely scrape five feet. I enjoy most of their company. Most members of the dining staff work hard and  get through work with little issue. But there are a few people, its always a few people, who really pollute the atmosphere of productivity.

 One of these people stick out farther than any others. She is 23 years old but acts as if she was 9. Her chubby cheeks are constantly slurping soup or blabbing to the chef, Santos. Santos is a great guy, he smiles back at her and nods his head as she peppers him with mundane details about her daily life. She makes each little story, each fact seem as if it was of the utmost importance.

"I went to the bar last night Santos."

"oh ya?"

"Yup, I went to the bar and guess how much I spent"

"how much"

"I only spent five dollars Santos, five dollars. I am so broke its not even funny so I only spent 5 dollars at the bar, I had to get my oil changed because my car was 3,000 miles over the limit till my next oil change so I had to pay for that, They also told me I needed to realign my tires but I was like 'Fuck that, I don't have money for that shit'...................

Her hands are very animated though out the whole story.

Santos still has the same smile but he is looking down at the plate he is preparing. His thick, black mustache hides his mouth. He is garnishing a chicken fried steak he just cooked. He still has the same smile and his head keeps nodding as Lindsay continues to let the torrent of garbage spew from her thick face.

Sweat is gathering on my brow. Its at least 95 degrees in the kitchen and the shirt and tie and apron I have to wear feel like they are suffocating me. On top of the heat, Lindsay sits, it feels as if she is sitting right on the top of my head.

I grab my styrofoam cup and dig my fingernails into its side as a shake and ice cube into my mouth. I clench my jaw, using the ice as a barrier between my teeth.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Puppy and a Job

It has been forever since I have blogged. Summer has been pretty fun so far. Since the last time I posted something our family got a puppy named Millie. She looks like an old man but shes funny.

I also got a job as a waiter at a retirement community. Fun times.