Monday, February 21, 2011

Ray Bans

He always had ray ban sunglasses tucked into his shirt. He didn't actually wear them much but when he did they looked good on him.
"you want a cigarette" he asked
He smoked. We all tried to get him to stop but it didn't work.
"what are you doing this Friday?"
"I have practice then I am going out to dinner with my family"
It wasn't really true. I did have practice but after I probably wouldn't do anything. I just didn't want to be with him. We always ended up doing the same thing. After calling people to look for parties we would just go spend money. We would eat when we weren't hungry. Spending money always made the time pass.
"Oh call me after, Brian knows of some party and I think we're gunu go"
"Alright, sounds good"
I didn't call him. I spent my Friday night at home.

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